How Well Do You Know Merlin ?

This quiz has 10 questions in total and it's about the TV series called Merlin. If you are a fan or have watched some of the episodes or just want to take a quiz here is it.

This quiz will not define your knowledge however but is just for fun . To each question there is one and only ONE correct answer which you can choose from. If you find anything irrelevant or harmful in any way please do not hesitate to contact me in my email address [no emails]

Created by: Eliza
  1. What is the name of the castle in which Merlin is filmed ?
  2. What language do the sorcerers use in Merlin?
  3. What is the name of the forest that some of the scenes are shot?
  4. Where is the forest located ?
  5. What is the name of the episode when Morgana conjures from the dead Lancelot ?
  6. Why does Morgana want Arthur dead? Because she...
  7. Why does Arthur in one episode ask Merlin to lie to the king about his whereabouts? Because he?
  8. Why does Morgana tell Uther about Arthur and Gwen's picnic ? Because she?
  9. Why in the last episode Merlin couldn't save Arthur from his death? Because?
  10. Did you enjoy This quiz ?? If yes please share?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Merlin ?
