Who is your best friend in Merlin (BBC) (KOTRT not included)

This is a quiz about Merlin BBC. Who do you ship Morgana, Guinevere(Gwen), Arthur, and Merlin with? Personally I ship Morgana+Mordred, Gwen+Lancelot, and Merlin+Arthur. ((Mordrana), (Gwencalot), (Merthur))

Sorry for not including the KOTRT (Knights of the Round Table). I spent at least 3-4 hours on this quiz and I'm exhausted...besides I haven't even eaten breakfast yet.

Created by: MerthurShipper101
  1. What kind of friend are you looking for?
  2. What color are their eyes?
  3. What should their favorite animal be?
  4. Do they have magic?
  5. What is your hobby?
  6. What is their gender?
  7. What is your gender?
  8. What is your favorite animal?
  9. Omg 😱 😳 I just realized that for one of the answers I wrote “and idiot” instead of “an idiot”! 😆 (Btw this is not a question)
  10. I hope you liked the this quiz but before I give you your result, who do you hope you will get?

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Quiz topic: Who is my best friend in Merlin (BBC) (KOTRT not included)
