How well do you know melanie martinez? (2020)

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um hey there this is really my first quiz on this account and if like it hit that like button and follow me plz. if you had a video congrats but bye and your hair looks beautiful today.

also I stole your lotion and your make and I threw them in the trash by accident plz don't kill me!! and I got the cops on speed dial :3 and yeah enjoy.

Created by: Rathc0dy44
  1. how many albums does Melanie Martinez have?
  2. What song did Melanie Martinez first make?
  3. how many songs does Melanie have in all?
  4. how many tattoos does Melanie have?
  5. When her mom found out she had black and white hair what did her mom do?
  6. who is she addicted to?
  7. how much is Mel's net worth
  8. what is this song. You said, "Hey, girl, will you sit with me?Table in the back of Cafeteria C ?We can be friends if you want to be But only 'til the clock hits threeAfter lunch, we can walk to class
  9. Can we just be honest?These are the requirementsIf you think you can be my one and only true loveYou must promise to love me
  10. when was she born?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know melanie martinez? (2020)
