How well do you know me? (October 2016)

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I want to see how much people know about me! Take this quiz to find out how much you know about me. You could be a stranger and know me 100%. Who knows?

Do you not know me at all, or do you know me veryyyy well. Take this quiz to find out yourself, and so i can find out as well. Enjoy this quiz and your day : )

Created by: JinxesShadow
  1. What is my current age? And what age am i about to be?
  2. What month is my birthday in?
  3. What is my current favorite song?
  4. What is my current hair color?
  5. My sexuality?
  6. My gender identity?
  7. Current favorite movie?
  8. Do i play any sports?
  9. Do i plan on playing or trying out for a sport?
  10. If you said YES to the previous question, what sport do i plan on playing?
  11. Who is my favorite rapper?
  12. Which of the following is a state i have visited?
  13. Favorite Store?
  14. What people identify me as?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me? (October 2016)