How Well Do You Know Me?!

Just how much can a person know about their friend? Euripides once stated that "One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives." Friendship, afterall, gets us through the nitty gritty, and also shares in the laughter...

So just how well do you think you know me?! What am I about? What makes me tick? What are my interests?? Until now you could only wonder, but thanks to this short quiz, you can find out in just a few minutes!

Created by: Crys
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my middle name?
  2. What is my favourite colour?
  3. On a rainy summer day, I would most love to:
  4. What is my favourite type of chocolate?
  5. What type of car do I presently drive?
  6. What is my all time favourite tv show?
  7. What instrument do I predominanty play?
  8. When is my birthday?
  9. What is my favourite fruit?
  10. What is my brothers name?
  11. When did Derek and I meet for the first time?
  12. If Derek were to bring me home a gift, he should get me:
  13. What was my major at U of T?
  14. What's one thing I wish I didn't have to do in the mornings?
  15. Of these, which do I dislike the most?
  16. What do I love most about Christmas?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me?!