How well do you know me?

I've got lots of friends, but sometimes I wonder just well they know me. Lots of people say that they do, but do they really? This quiz is not hard questions if you know your stuff. Come on, be brave! I dare you!!

Amuse me. Answer the 12 questions so we both can know. Show me what you're made of!!!!! You're not *afraid* are you? Quitcher b*tchin!!So how far ARE you in my head? I'm curious to know, are you?

Created by: Dawn of the Devil Dolls
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What cigarette do I smoke?
  2. I've been charged with one crime. What was it?
  3. How many siblings do I have?
  4. What was my first car?
  5. What was my first job?
  6. What's my favorite domestic beer?
  7. What's my favorite pasta dish?
  8. Which child did I have a C-section with?
  9. I *LOVE* chinese food.
  10. What is my degree in?
  11. I have a racy sex tape.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?