How well do you know me?

Hello i have created this quiz beacause im rather bored and thought i'd make my myspace look good. Its for all those people who would like to know how well they actually know me to see if any of you actually do it's not that hard

Its telling me to write a paragraph about myself and i really don't know what to put i tried to put a load of kisses but it wouldn't let me so it looks like im going to have to chat on for a while. Lucky you. Anyway if you didn't do too well on my questionnaire then feel free to do it again but change your answers because you've got them wrong. Those who did Congratulations you officially 'know me well'!!

Created by: Jessica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my middle name?
  2. Whats my favourite film?
  3. Whats my cats name?
  4. Whens my birthday?
  5. Whats my favourite drink?
  6. whats my favourite colour?
  7. whats my shoe size?
  8. wheres my brother going for 6 months?
  9. what primary school did i go ?
  10. what would i like to be when im older?
  11. what colour are my eyes?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?