how well do you know lia?

A lot of people think that they know me? Most people dont even know the first thing about me. I would hope that you care enough to know me, but we'll find out now wont we?

So do you think that you know me well enough to take this quiz? The questions are pretty random so i really hope youve paid attention while youre with me...

Created by: Lia
  1. where was i born?
  2. What's my favorite animal?
  3. What's my favorite guinea pig's name?
  4. What do i mean when i say sunshine?
  5. What do i want to be when i grow up?
  6. I like to sleep
  7. What is my religion?
  8. My favorite subject in school is
  9. My favorite game is
  10. When is my birthday?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know lia?