How well do you know Isac Elliot?

How well do you know Isac Elliot, that popsinger everyone's talking about? Are you a new member of Ellioteer family or even a superfan? Take this test to find out.

How well do you know Isac Elliot, that popsinger everyone's talking about? Are you a new member of Ellioteer family or even a superfan? Take this test to find out!

Created by: ada
  1. What was the name of his first single?
  2. His first single has the same releasing date as his movie. When is it?
  3. What is the name if his second album?
  4. What is his whole name?
  5. "Come back, I'm ready for you, come back, I..."
  6. What is his mom's name?
  7. What year his first single was released?
  8. What was the name of his tour in 2014?
  9. When was his second album released?
  10. What country does he live in?
  11. What is his sister's name?
  12. How many dogs does he have?
  13. How long have you been an Ellioteer? (This doesn't affect in the test result)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Isac Elliot?