How well do you know Heart songs?

There are amazing bands than theres the crap that most people listen to. Hopefully you listen to the amazing bands! If you do, you'll ace this quiz and we can get married. If not then you suck

Do you know Heart? Are you a Heartmonger like me? If so take this amazing quiz and show the world how awesome you are at knowing the best music ever made! Good luck!

Created by: Britt
  1. Finish this lyric, "I keep my secrets locked up tight..."
  2. What is the title of this song? "Doesnt it look good for flying? Cant wait for high noon to fall into night."
  3. Which of the following songs did Ann Wilson write?
  4. Finish this lyric, "So this aint the end i saw you again today..."
  5. Which Heart album title is not a song?
  6. What was the name of the very first Heart album?
  7. Do you even know who Heart is?
  8. Finish this lyric, "I cant stop crying, i cant stop screaming, i cant stop talking, i cant stop...."
  9. Is Heart the best band ever?
  10. Which is not the name of a Heart album?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Heart songs?