How well do you know foxes?

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Hello! It's Savannah! This quiz is going to see if you're smart about foxes! This is not so hard as the cat one (At least I don't hope it is) but let's not worry about that.

Just like last test, this test will have 11 questions total, at the end of the test the score will be revealed, be reminded this is NOT furry related, just a silly quiz. Well, let's start the quiz!

  1. How many hours do Red Foxes sleep?
  2. What's the rarest fox? [Note: I will try to mark it correct this time!]
  3. What is the most recommended name to call a male fox?
  4. What do you call a baby fox?
  5. Foxes eat mice
  6. A predator to a fox is a ______!
  7. Foxes live in Mountains
  8. This is easy! What is the most common fox?
  9. What's the friendliest fox?
  10. What's the most unique type of fox?
  11. What's the fastest fox? After you answer, click the grey "Submit Answers" button.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know foxes?
