How Well Do You Know: "Dragons Race to the Edge"?

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Hi quiz-takers! This quiz tests you on how well you know the show, "Dragons: Race to the Edge." It asks you questions about the twins, the Dragon Eye, colors of things.

I made this quiz so it asks you 10 questions about the show, "Dragons: Race to the Edge," except for one, the last one, that asks, "How would you rate this quiz? 1-6." Hope you know a lot about the show! Good luck!

Created by: LilyCatLove
  1. What's the name of the ship that Hiccup found the Dragon Eye on?
  2. What's the name of the annoying little boy that has a crush on Astrid?
  3. What's the two names of the Thourston twins?
  4. What kind of dragon almost burnt down the whole Dragons Edge?
  5. What color is Hiccups eyes?
  6. What's the name of the twin's dragon(s)?
  7. What episode did the twins rule the island?
  8. What is the hole under the twin's hut called?
  9. Most importantly, what is the name, and species of Hiccup's dragon?
  10. How would you rate this quiz? 1-6

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know: "Dragons Race to the Edge"?
