How well do you know BTS?

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Do you think you know all about our favorite young K-Pop stars? Try this quiz with questions all Armies should know about BTS. Hope you have fun with this!

This is the first quiz I've ever made so sorry if it isn't great. Please try to answer questions without googling first! I had fun making this quiz! Enjoy!

Created by: Nancy
  1. Easy one. When did BTS first debut?
  2. Who was the American artist BTS collaborated with in 2019?
  3. What are all of the members' names?
  4. Who is the youngest of the group? (No cheating!)
  5. What company are they working with?
  6. What is their most popular song right now? (May 2019)
  7. What does BTS stand for in America?
  8. Which one is true?
  9. What are all of their ages in the order of this picture? (May 2019)
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know BTS?
