Which Crucible Character are You?

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Which character from the play The Crucible are you? Take this quiz to find out who you are most like! John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Abigail Williams, Rebecca Nurse, Reverend Parris, Reverend Hale, Giles Corey, Judge Danforth, or Mary Warren.

So it's 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts...Pretend that you live in 17th century Salem around the time of the witch trials, and choose your responses that best describe how you would react during this time period.

Created by: Ms. Gonzalez
  1. You are accused of witchcraft...which path would you most likely choose?
  2. It's Sunday... what do you do on the Lord's day in 17th century Salem?
  3. What do you care about most?
  4. What is your greatest flaw?
  5. What do you do for fun in 17th century Salem?
  6. Are you a witch?
  7. Your partner is accused of witchcraft...what do you do?
  8. Why would you be accused of witchcraft?
  9. Do you follow the rules?
  10. Are you a good liar?
  11. Pick a Crucible quote!
  12. Who is your favorite character from The Crucible?
  13. What do you think of the Salem witch trials?

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Quiz topic: Which Crucible Character am I?
