How well do you know big time rush

this test is about if you know the big time rush episodes or not. so you answer the questions and at the end it will tell you what you got and some other stuff

Now let me see if you are a genius and if you know everything their is to know about big time you have the brain power to be a big time rush genius

Created by: abbsrock22
  1. who are the members of big time rush?
  2. who is Gustavo's assistant?
  3. what is big time rush second album name?
  4. what is James's little sister's name?
  5. who wears a helmet?
  6. who runs the palmwoods?
  7. who is kendell's girlfriend?
  8. where does big time rush work
  9. who is the smart one of the group
  10. who is the leader of the group
  11. who is the wild one of the group
  12. who is the self-centered one of the group

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Quiz topic: How well do I know big time rush