How well do you know Big Hero 6?

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Ok, I haven't made a quiz in a while so I decided to make one. Let's see how well you know the movie: Big Hero 6! Good luck and don't forget to comment and rate!

Ok, I haven't made a quiz in a while so I decided to make one. Let's see how well you know the movie: Big Hero 6! Good luck and don't forget to comment and rate! XDXP

Created by: Jinx Blackclaw
  1. What is Hiros brothers name?
  2. Who was the man in the kabooki mask?
  3. How did Tadashi die?
  4. What was the robots name in the movie?
  5. Who does Hiro first meet when he goes to the college?
  6. What song plays frequently through the movie
  7. Who does the voice of Hiro?
  8. Who gave Wasabi, Go-Go and Honey Lemon their nicknames?
  9. Who did the voice of Fred's dad?
  10. FINAL QUESTION: What was the name of the town this took place in?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Big Hero 6?