how well do you know animals

are you snart enough to see how well you know the vreatures that walk on our planet?if so then good luck. my quiz is one of the hardest quizzes you may ever take. that is if your smart only many people canpass this quiz.

There are many people who take this quiz but only few can pass if you think that you are one of those few then go ahead and take a whack at it. So if you think that you are up to the challenge.

Created by: alexander of animal quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. what is the worlds largest rat called?
  2. what animal can live in extreme climates and outer space?
  3. what worm can grow up to be the lenght of a bus?
  4. what bug can live without a head for atlest a week?
  5. why are hippos so fat?
  6. Do fleas live in snow?
  7. Do animals get cavities?
  8. whats the fish called that can die and come back to life?
  9. why do fish have gills?
  10. whos mouth is cleaner?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know animals