How well do you know Animal Jam?

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Very little of Animal Jam's Jammers REALLY know what Animal Jam is like. Some have to watch out because their popularity makes then snotty people! :O

hmm... Just wondering, how well do you think you know the game Animal Jam? Where should they fix? Which jammers are nice and which are mean? Where do YOU fall in place?

Created by: wizard doughnut

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many items can a member have in their den?
  2. How many animals are there in animal jam for non members?
  3. How many colors of spikes are there?
  4. What is animal jam's bunny alphas name?
  5. which lovers' created Jamaa?
  6. What created phantoms?
  7. Where is sol arcade located, where is Mystery Emporium located?
  8. What is the newest Animal?
  9. Where is the ONLY pathway in Jamaa?
  10. The bridge in Appondale leads to-
  11. Animal Jam sells hat that look hand made in the...
  12. Where can you find the game Spot On?
  13. In your Journey Book, Where do you get a lemonade stand from?
  14. What are the most famous member animals?
  15. How many UN-used places are in Jamaa during 2015?
  16. How many places both have the word 'Crystal' in their title?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Animal Jam?