How well do you know Anacondas?

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Snakes, if you love Anacondas take this quiz! Its good for you! And don't worry This cannot poison you, only mambas do that. Ok? good now please take this my tabs at 3 just do it!

So do rattlesnakes, Coral, dot dot dot etc.So take it before my tablet dies, plz, i hope you enjoy the very easy concerns of mine and information i found. Thank you.

Created by: Adder_Snake of Animal funtime
(your link here more info)
  1. Are Anacondas poisonous? (basically just yes or no)
  2. Which fact is true about these beautiful demons?
  3. What colors can an Anaconda come in? (one common color but ignore other possibilities)
  4. Where is their habitat located? (wild, and a state... as you can see below)
  5. How do Anacondas hunt?
  6. What conditions does an anaconda "mostly" live in?
  7. What does an Anaconda use from its body to help it hunt? (trick question)
  8. What is an Anaconda able to eat? (i know that these are crazy, thats the point!)
  9. What patterns do most Anacondas have?
  10. Do you like my quiz? (this affects your score so pick the right one)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Anacondas?