How well do you know about Thor?

Of, course you all have heard of The avenger of Marvel Universe, Thor. But actually do you know about the mighty thor? How much if yes? Take this quiz to find out.

Read the questions carefully, and every questions are taken from facts and if you are a big Thor fan then you will be able to answer. Take this quiz to find out, but it is not easy. Good Luck!

Created by: Jeeshan
  1. Who is Thor?
  2. Which mythology is Thor?
  3. Thor is related to -
  4. In what does Thor travels?
  5. What is the name of his fighting element (hammer)?
  6. What is the surname of Thor?
  7. In which country was Thor praised?
  8. In Marvel Universe, how many mistakes of Thor are there?
  9. What is the name of the family tree of Thor?
  10. Actually where does Thor belongs?
  11. Actually, who is the mother of Thor?
  12. Actually, who is the half-biological- brother of Thor?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know about Thor?