How Well Do You Know About The Boston Tea Party

There are many people that know about things, but few about the Boston Tea Party. No one will tell you about this event. Why? Because It really will not be none of your business, well, to them, but you deserve to know about it.

Do you know about the Boston Tea Party? Well, soon you will know very much about it. If you take this quiz, you will know how much you know about it. Good luck! :)

Created by: Jan-Marie Prescott
  1. i.e. When was the Boston Tea Party?
  2. i.e. Who did the Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as?
  3. i.e. Why did the colonists dump the tea?
  4. i.e. Why did the British Parliament pass down the Tea Act?
  5. i.e. How did the colonists react about the Tea Act?
  6. How did the British react about the protest?
  7. What was after the Tea Act?
  8. Did the Boston Tea Party bring British and colonists closer to war?
  9. Did colonists start the First Continental Congress meet after the Tea Act?
  10. Do you think this will go good with colonists and Britain?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know About The Boston Tea Party