How well do you know a tale of magic

This is a quiz on the book a tale of magic. Have you ever wondered how big of a fan you are? This quiz will help! It will tell you your score. Enjoy the quiz.

Answer each question then your score will be given! After you take the quiz, share it with your friends and take the land of stories quiz. After reading the book.

Created by: I need more booooks
  1. Who is the main character
  2. Where does the academy take place
  3. what law does Brystal brake?
  4. What is Brystal’s Father?
  5. Who wrote it
  6. Where is Brystal when she meets Mme Weatherberry?
  7. How many brothers does Brystal have
  8. What is Mme Weatherberry’s carriage pulled by?
  9. Where does Brystal hide her books?
  10. Who comes to join the academy after the others get there?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know a tale of magic

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