how well do u know Randy Orton

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Hello there???? what's up every body i did that quiz for all of you to let you know what are you in WWE and this quizzz is about WWE superstar the legend killer Randy Orton!!!

Are you a WWE fan??? do you know your stuff??? this quiz will prove to you and will show you the good results!! :) are you a WWE fan?? do you like it? so let's find out!

Created by: angela 123
  1. first one,what's randy orton full/ real name?
  2. what's his wife's name??
  3. How many kids does he have, is it a boy or girl and what's its name?
  4. Who's his best friend?
  5. What's his brother and sister's names?
  6. What's his mom's name?
  7. What's his dad's name?
  8. what's Randy's finisher?
  9. do you like Randy Orton?
  10. what's your favorite WWE brand?

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