How well do u know catwings not book

U know cats but what about flying cats I have a flying cat meet cateings Ted the book so many that I named her catwings an dwrre a team with saimese cat to

Do u bet u know her if u do eheir u gessed spyed or know me in real life an dkniw catwings but if u don't u suck and she is cute as ever cause cats rule dogs drool an d that is true!😺😺😺 Meow

Created by: Ashley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u know the book catwings it's my favorite book !! If did how many?
  2. No more book talk, what make her mad take it my way u do not wanna make her mad I knew her for 5 years. But I'm the only one who seems to see her?!
  3. What does it mean when she sits on your head
  4. What's a good sign read the desp
  5. Does she eat chicken nuggets!
  6. Is she aways in my side even if I get majorly in trouble one time I got send to office for saying ahhh u sat on cateings the teacher sat on her how rude!
  7. I ran out of questions
  8. Did u like this quiz
  9. Do u like cats
  10. U knew this was coming what's your favorite color and byeeee

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