How Well Could You Run a Country? (old)

We can find out how good of a diplomatic leader your could be running an entire country. This will take place in the medieval ages, for fun of course. You will go through questions to learn just how good of a leader you can be.

Please enjoy and do take note, this is just for fun and I'm not being serious when you get your responses. Please don't get mad if you don't get a good rating, and again, please enjoy.

Created by: Nah
  1. First question. This will not affect your result! How was your day.
  2. Alright. You've been leader for a little while now. But, you have a sudden drop in resources. What do you do?
  3. After the resource situation, a group of people invade your capital, and you only have a small military. What do you do?
  4. It turns out the invaders are actually messengers here to offer a trade. Its 1000 gold for plenty of food, fresh water, and medicine. Do you accept?
  5. More messengers have showed up in your capital. Here to form an alliance. If you don't accept, you could be thrown into war.
  6. After awhile, a small group has formed to overthrow you with someone else. How will you react.
  7. How are you doing so far?
  8. Were almost done. After everything, what are you planning to do next?
  9. Final question. A plague breaks out and it seems to be dangerous. This one really matters. What do you do?
  10. Are you ready to see your results?

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