How weird are you?

Are you weird? Wanna find out answer the questions below to see if you are! If you don’t like your results make sure to try the quiz again! Remember, Weird is not bad!

Make sure that you are happy with your results it’s my second quiz I have made hope you all enjoy have a good day! And Be your kind of weird! BE WEIRD!

Created by: zoey_da_donkey
  1. Do you think your weird?
  2. If you had a billon dollars and no one was around what would you do with it?
  3. What do you do at night?
  4. Someone hands you a black book dust but black your curious what do you do?
  5. You looked into a mirror and saw something like a girl. What do you do?
  6. You find yourself in a alternate universe. You sit down and think about what you do next. What do you desire to do?
  7. How old are you(has no effect)
  8. Favriote color
  9. Favorite subject? Has no effect
  10. Last question :) you nervous about your results? And will you give a good rating on this quiz? Not begging

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Quiz topic: How weird am I?
