How weird and geeky are you?

Its a fact of life, some people are weird and geeky, some are near the middle and some are quite cool, by taking this quiz you will find out what you are.

Can you wait... in a few minutes you will find out if your weird and geeky or cool, but if your weird and geeky, please dont take it offensivly ok, thank you.

Created by: anonymous
  1. Do you have weird habits like staring at curtains or sucking eggs everytime you see one?
  2. Do you spend your break time in school or free time in the science labs?
  3. Are you american or french?
  4. Now you have to be honest otherwise its pointless, Are you realativly ugly?
  5. Be honest again, 100 being the coolest, where would you rate yourself cool in the class?
  6. Have you ever been bullied in school?
  7. Which is your favourite colour?
  8. Which of the following is your favourite food
  9. Do you like sports?
  10. Do you spend your day on this website?

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Quiz topic: How weird and geeky am I?