How Unseemingly Brilliant Are You?

What is a genius? A genius is an exceptionally smart person. But what is an unseemingly brilliant person? Well that is one who seems stupid but is actually extremely smart.

So the question remains: Are you unseemingly brilliant? Do you have the brain and willpower to not only finish but do well on this excruciating test of your IQ? Well in just a few seemingly painless questions you can soon find out.

Created by: Dr Giggles
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite Song?
  2. Favorite Color?
  3. Favorite Ice Cream?
  4. Pie Flavor? (Trick Question)
  5. 2+2=......?
  6. Meaning of Life?
  7. Favorite Car?
  8. Favorite Constellation?
  9. Did you like the last question?

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Quiz topic: How Unseemingly Brilliant am I?