How Truly Attractive Are You?

Have you ever been called attractive? Have you ever caught someone staring at you? Have you ever been called ugly? Have you ever looked in the mirror and not been happy with what you see?

Well here's your chance to find out if you're truly an attractive person or not! Proceed with caution!!! We don't baby people on this quiz! Haha, enjoy!

Created by: Addi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hair Color?
  2. Eye Color?
  3. Skin?
  4. Lips?
  5. Height?
  6. Part of yourself you're most confident about?
  7. Part of yourself you're most complimented about?
  8. Are you confident?
  9. What are you most self-conscious about?
  10. Did you like the quiz?(won't effect the score!)

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Quiz topic: How Truly Attractive am I?