How Trans Are You?

You may be Trans but just exactly how Trans are you? Some have been known to achieve lofty, unparalleled heights but how will you fare? Let's find out together!

Apparently I have to write a second paragraph here to publish this quiz. I'm not really sure what to write so I thought I'd just spam the whole section with a nice helping of meta. :)

Created by: McTrans
  1. Select your favourite bean...
  2. A giant, eldritch quadruped leaps from the bushes, snarling and angry. You suddenly exclaim...
  3. You awake in a bar. A staff member slides an object across the varnished surface in your direction. That object is...
  4. "It's dangerous to go alone, take this!"To which you reply...
  5. Select your favourite engine...
  6. You are entered into an order of acetic monks. How did you end up here?
  7. This is question 7. How does that make you feel?
  8. Select your favourite treat...
  9. If you were in a rail shooter and were told to "shoot outside of the screen," you would...
  10. What advice would you give to others who planned to take this quiz? (you can lie to me but don't lie to yourself)

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Quiz topic: How Trans am I?
