How to tell if she likes you! 5th grade BOYS ONLY!

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Are you in the 5th grade? Are you desperate to tell if your crush likes you back? Then take this quiz! Boys only, by the way. Boys in the 5th grade to be exact.

Being a 5th grader myself, knowing this is very helpful on having a happy life. I too, am still waiting for the day to tell her I have a crush on her.

Created by: CraCraCaleb

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok, starting off, how long have you known her?
  2. How does she act around you?
  3. [PERSONAL QUESTION] Ok ok, Do you even like her?
  4. This question doesn't count. Are you content taking this quiz?
  5. Do ya'll make alot of eye contact? If no, simply press "no".
  6. If you said Yeah to the previous question, please answer this. If you said no, touch skip. How long do you usually have eye contact for?
  7. What do her friends act like around you?
  8. Does anyone look at you two when you are near?
  9. Does she dress up when she knows she'll be around you?
  10. At recess, has she ever tried to join your play group?
  11. Final question! What contact (hands, arms, etc.) does she make with you?

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