How to know you're from Nevada

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This quiz is about Nevada!!!!!! Do you think you are from Nevada well this test tells you if you are nevaden or not. so why don't you take this quiz!!

Do you know a lot about Nevada well hers a test to tell if you realy do. so take this quiz and see if you realy know alot about Nevada dude. So take this quiz take it take it.

Created by: Cece

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you live in Nevada?
  2. One state tree?
  3. What is nevada?
  4. Nevada is mostly?
  5. Nevada bird?
  6. Nevada flower?
  7. What does Nevada mean in spanish?
  8. Nevada state mammal?
  9. did the donner party go in to nevada?
  10. Nevada state reptile?
  11. How much peripatain dose the northern partt of nevada have?
  12. Capitale of nevada?

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