Match you to factions in the history of the CPC

If there is no factions in the party, all weird. If you have thought about how a socialist country should operate, then you must be curious about the differences in governance concepts of different factions since the founding of China. This test helps you match different factions in Chinese history.

Now imagine that you are a powerful official in the history of the Chinese Communist Party. Map your thoughts on this decisive role to the question, and then look for the closest answer as the result.

Created by: shen bi ren
  1. Do you think the word "Socialism" is good for today?
  2. how do you describe the word "people"?
  3. about revolution and reform, you think that:
  4. you think the most suitable description:for State Capitalism in the following is:
  5. you see economic reform in China after 1978 as:
  6. about domestic economy construction, which of those below fit your view the most?
  7. The laws of socialist countries should:
  8. how should your people supervise the government?
  9. Take a city as an example, how should our government power be implemented?
  10. how to deal with developed capitalism countries?
  11. how to deal with the third world country that poorer than us?
  12. how do you think about "freedom"?
  13. how do you think about education?
  14. how do you think about science and technology?
  15. How should the government treat revolutionary culture?
  16. What do you think of Chinese traditional culture and western culture

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