How tall are you???

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Heya i made this quiz coz not many people know there height like me i took lots of quiz just to found my height so it doesnt matter how tall your i just want to take this quiz and i hope you are happy after and get the results you want to see

Ok whats up peeps you are here to take the quiz of your life its to do with your height so i put question on this quiz that is to do with height so when you get your answer you will have a good knowledge of how tall you are xoxoxo love ya

Created by: cherry888
  1. Lets start with:What is ur age?
  2. Lets start with:What is ur age?
  3. How tall r ur mum or dad?
  4. What size feet are u?
  5. Are ur friends....
  6. Is ur form tutor...
  7. Ok i have ran out of questions
  8. So lets talk bout height do u feel ur height is ......
  9. Do u like ur height?
  10. Ok bye for now!!!!! :))))) xoxox

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Quiz topic: How tall am I???