How stupid are you...Find out for real!

Stupid isn't just about if your good at math. It is also about how you react. Many people get good grades in school, but inside they are crappy people who do crappy things.

So are you crappy and stupid or not?! Take this quiz to find out what percent stupid are you! It will tell you about academicly, as well as What is in your head.

Created by: Sara Wilkins of Cheaz X Balle!
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Turn around ten times. Then clap your hands. Do ten jumping jacks, turn around, smile, count to 99, then eat a potato and make sure it's raw, but now answer this question now and don't read anymore of. Question: what is one plus one? Don't read anymore!!!!!!! Ignore that. This is the real question. What is 7+1?
  2. Stupid isn't just about if your good at math. It is also about how you react. Have you heard that before?
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. Would you die for a million dollars?
  5. Think about this: If you have a penny but you want two pennies, and a fairy appears and answers one question of your truthfully, what do you ask?
  6. Ya ya...Has anyone ever said to you that you were stupid?
  7. What is your IQ?
  8. Are you going to answer no to this question?
  9. This is the last question and I must have 12 questions before going to the next step!
  10. Remember: Red blue green green blue
  11. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bhal blah blah blah blah blah What is wrong?
  12. How many Fs? Queen Faslerre of Russia was fat. Her cousin, Mrs. Faslerre, was a teacher in the school of Faerdagn.
  13. I hope you remembered!

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Quiz topic: How stupid am I...Find out for real!