How stereotypically misanthropic are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How stereotypically misanthropic are you?

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  • Yep, another one of those accusation by repetition kinds of epilogues, not any different from their Gish gallop counterparts. Whoever created this shtty quiz likely wants the human race to be spared, because being loved gives them a chance to boost their ego. Humans are simply that: un-trustable. When it comes to dealing with a crank, its either 1) get told the same lie over and over again [i.e. that Hitler did nothing wrong when in reality, he was Pure Evil], or 2) get told many lies in the space of only 2-90 minutes [i.e. attempts to justify the actions of any antisemitic via the unhistorical protocols of Zion]. Its literally a pick your poison (just saying).

    These so-called quizzes are made by total non-experts anyway. Theyre all based on their stupid opinions, and the only way to find the truth is to speak with an actual expert. Sadly, I cant find an expert who really knows how much I hate being American, and why. Once again however, this is no surprise. Our school systems nothing but a huge joke, and I cant think of one time where it made someone a truly productive person.

  • ItsYaFace is correct! I do have misanthropy and yes there are people I would WANT to kill but misanthropy does not mean you want to kill humans nor exterminate the human race. I just hope the human race evolves away from it's hatred, abuse and violence. If we were peaceful, I probably wouldn't have a reason to have misanthropy or species dysphoria! I can only hope the human race evolves in such a manner...oh that whole dreaming of killing someone doesn't mean you hate humanity. It means you have control of "killing off" issues in your life...we cannot even understand our own minds...shame on us humans. Maybe when we evolve we can have such knowledge. Maybe only then will we be fully evolved...

  • I don't know who created this quiz, but it's idiotic, and the creator doesn't seem overly familiar with the definition of "misanthropic". Being misanthropic doesn't mean you want to personally kill anyone, or have particular opinions in relation to anything other than a general hatred/mistrust of the human race. That being said, I assume a young person created this quiz because it's fairly obvious they have little idea of what they're talking about, and the answers to the questions to get 100% are obvious (and completely wrong).

  • Hahah! I am 100% misanthropic suck on that!

  • You are 29% stereotypically misanthropic. Whoopie.

    You are troublingly untroubled by exactly how weary, stale, flat and unprofitable are all the uses of human beings. You had best set yourself a regimen of Trent Reznor and Nirvana.

  • i dont get it

  • 57%
    Weird quiz, but cool. Seven stars.

  • i have no idea whatsoever

  • "Scooge"? Is that like splooge?


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