How smart you are

There are many s mat and stupid ppl but few true genius and alot of stupid ppl but you are a true star uou have an extrodanery mind congratulations you have an excellent mind

Are a genius do you have the brainpwer to qualif for that prstigious title and stupid but some smart questions or stupid easy questions well I think you do

Created by: Zujey
  1. Whats 12 times 12
  2. 1/4 + 3/8 equal to
  3. Whats 10 times 9
  4. Whats 1 pluss 1
  5. How many states are in the united states
  6. What is 2/5 + 5/10 =
  7. What does ppl mean
  8. Who helped stop segregation
  9. What is a Christian or catholics
  10. Whats 9×9 =

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