how smart are you?

This is my second quiz that i have made on go to quizzes! it is completely different to my first one-but i hope it'll be as good or even better as my first one! take this quiz if you want to find out how smart you are!

This quiz has some true or false questions and ones where you have to choose the answer! Please take this quiz and get your friends to take this quiz! Find out who is the smartest in your friend group or who is the smartest in your house!

Created by: me!
  1. in 16th century turkey,drinking coffee was punishable by death. true or false?
  2. there is a British cheese called Goldilocks. true or false?
  3. what is the second heaviest organ in the human body?
  4. who uses marshmallows to lure alligators out of swamps?
  5. what is tom cruise allergic to?
  6. lego came from the danish words leg godt meaning......
  7. an alligator can go through 2,000 to 3,000 teeth in a lifetime. true or false?
  8. the hawaiian alphabet has more than 26 letters. true or false?
  9. orlando blooms mother/father was a dentist.true or false?
  10. was this a real newspaper headline? "most surgeons face cuts."
  11. what do these names mean: Mizaru,Mikazaru,Mazaru
  12. the mexican hat dance is the official dance of mexico. true or false?
  13. Gordon Ramsay has ran in the London marathon. true or false?
  14. Tom hanks is related to Roald Dahl. true or false?
  15. What did Romans use as toothpicks?
  16. celine dion is one of 14 children. true or false?
  17. lord of the hundreds is a type of what?
  18. sugar was added to chewing gum in who?
  19. who was britan's last executioner

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?