How smart are you?

This quiz is awesome and without you won't know if your smart, dum or evil!please note this game is just for FUN and shouldn't be taken seriously! :)

Are you a genius or are you going to be one? Find out with this awesome quiz known as HOW SMART ARE YOU? please note this game is just for FUN and shouldn't be taken seriously! :)

Created by: Hacked_by
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. 12x12=
  2. 6 penguins minus 3 birds= ( 6-3= )
  3. Trust me, this is a really good question! MUAHHAHAHA. *cough cough* If a girl born in 1999 is 11 now how old will she be in 112 years? >:)
  4. okay, whats the square root of 144 plus 5 and divided by four minus 7 and lastly x43? PS. for this question ill except any answer becuase it's not mathematically possible!
  5. what do you think of this quiz? SO FAR? MUAHHAHAHA >:|
  6. How smart are you, IN appearance? Appearance also makes you look smart! That's why schools have uniforms, duhhh!
  7. For a present what would you prefer?
  8. Logically speaking, are you smart? A creepy-looking stranger walks up to you and offers you one of those stupid machines from those TV ads! You...
  9. Cleverness is needed! in this situation how clever are you? Fess up says the teacher, you know you cheated, i... I
  10. LAST ONE, what's 1+1=

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?