How Smart Are You?

Have you ever wondered how smart you were? If so, this is the quiz for you!!! Just answer 15 simple questions and I'll tell you how smart you really are- no lie!

Answer each question to the best of your abilities. After you've completed all 15, your results will pop up, and you will know how smart you truly are!

Created by: Ashy
  1. What were the first soccer balls made out of?
  2. Why did Margaret Mitchell write Gone With The Wind?
  3. What colors can dogs see?
  4. What is the plural of "mongoose?"
  5. What does the 57 on Heinz ketchup bottle represent?
  6. How long do tigers sleep in one day?
  7. How far away can a skunk's smell be detected by a human?
  8. What is desserts spelled backwards?
  9. How do you spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
  10. What was Charlie Brown's father's job?
  11. What was the first product to have a barcode?
  12. Who was the Baby Ruth candy bar named after?
  13. What is the only animal with four knees?

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Quiz topic: How Smart am I?