How sickly twisted are you!

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Cheer up and take a rather funny quiz compared to the others! This Quiz was made by Ayex and Mycca hope someone enjoys taking it cuz its been kind of a pain.

What kinda humor are you into take an unneeded quiz to find out! This Quiz was made by Ayex and Mycca hope someone enjoys taking it cuz its been kind of a pain.

Created by: Ayex
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. [Please have a sense of humor when taking this quiz somethings maybe deemed inappropriate for those who take things too serious this is not the quiz for you] [Also grammor patrol GTFO] If you could do anything without suffering consequences what would it be?
  2. When you laugh how does it sound?
  3. Is taking this quiz at all corrupting your judgement and or possibly made you think of doing such things?
  4. If you had nothing better to do in a walmart for 4-5 hours how would you waste time?
  5. Do you laugh at others for indifference's such as racism,sexual orientation,talking funny,etc.?
  6. If you could abuse any of these superpowers what would it be?
  7. Do you find it funny when others fail at doing something? [example: hitting their head against something]
  8. Has this quiz brightened your mood at all?
  9. [almost done] Your playing truth or dare and your friend picks dare
  10. You got 6 shows to choose from

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Quiz topic: How sickly twisted am I!