How shy are you?

Are you plain out mean and don't give a donkeys behind about why people think about you? Or are you too shy that you would pee in your pants if it meant not talking to anybody,

Alot of people out there are too shy that they let people push them around. Some people just don't give a damn. Are you shy??? Or you stand up for yourself and is not selfconsious of anything? Come and find out.

Created by: Abcdefg
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you get called on in class, what do you do?
  2. When your crush comes up to you, you...
  3. When your bus driver passes your stop you
  4. When the person next to you asks for a pencil you...
  5. When someone calls you by the wrong name you...
  6. When you are told to read a passage in a book, you stutter and rush through it.
  7. In the locker rooms when you change you
  8. When you bring your favorite cookies to school
  9. When the teacher yells at you for something you didn't even do you
  10. Do you like thus quiz?

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Quiz topic: How shy am I?