how should you be punished quiz

have you been bad? this quiz will tell you what punishment you really deserve. i won't know if you don't do it but most people who take this quiz do their punishment

if you haven't done anything bad or if you wouldn't do anything extreme, this quiz is not for you. i hope you learn your lesson and won't have to take more quizzes like this

Created by: anonymous xc
  1. your age please
  2. what crime have you committed?
  3. rate your crime on a scale of 1-8
  4. are you sorry?
  5. what would you hate the most
  6. have you done it before?
  7. would you do it again?
  8. are you crying about it right now?
  9. will you be punishing yourself or will someone else be punishing you
  10. will you do what the results say?

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