How Screamo Are You?

Screaming is sometimes looked down upon by many music fans and disgraced as having no form, just "yelling into the mike." I would like to challenge anyone who says that to do that for four minutes with a band live and qualify under these three conditions; 1.) Able to do it for the full time. 2.) Audience actually could stand it. 3.) Could talk normally afterwards. Screaming is an art-form and takes lots of practice and devotion to be able to do it with your voice. It is an amazing skill to have and with the turn of the 21st century, it looks like that skill might be put to use!

Are you a screaming legend? Take this quiz to see if you have or might have what it takes to leap onstage and blow everyone's mind away! Screamers, UNITE!

Created by: Matt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do in the shower?
  2. What does fry, false chord, and death mean when talking about screaming?
  3. Generally speaking, do you scream from your throat or from your diaphragm?
  4. Which of these is the best band?
  5. If you lose your voice while screaming, what should you do?
  6. Who is Melissa Cross?
  7. What does TZOS stand for?
  8. Should you cup the mike when making low growling noises?
  9. Who is Jesse Leach?
  10. Who is Howard Jones?
  11. If you don't scream with good technique then what happens afterward?
  12. Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Screamo am I?