How Ready are you to Adopt A Crested Gecko?

Have you done your research, searched around, and finally found a crested gecko you want? Then this quiz is for you! Find out if you are ready to adopt a crested gecko!

This quiz is broken into 4 sections: Anatomy/Facts, 1/5, Enclosures, 6-7, Feeding/Diet, 8-10, and Handling/Behavior, 11-13. We hope you enjoy taking this quiz!

Created by: Violet Baily
  1. Crested geckos can drop their tails, but how long is the tail that grows back?
  2. Which of these is NOT a crested gecko morph?
  3. Crested geckos are also called _. (multiple answers)
  4. Does a female crested gecko need a male to have eggs?
  5. True or false: Crested geckos are descendants of the leaf gecko.
  6. An essential element of a bioactive enclosure is _.
  7. About how high does the crested gecko's humidity need to be mid-afternoon?
  8. What is something you must do before feeding your crested gecko? (multiple answers)
  9. Which of these is not a good insect to feed a crested gecko?
  10. What fruits are suitable for a crested gecko? (multiple answers)
  11. What should always do before and after you do before handling a crested gecko?
  12. If your crested gecko gets lost, where should you look first?
  13. Somebody asks you why their crested gecko is eating its shed. You, being the honest person you are, tell them that _.

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Quiz topic: How Ready am I to Adopt A Crested Gecko?
