How Rare Are You?

Well, My quiz is about How rare jammers are in Animaljam. Like if you have 100% your rarer then Julian2, Awesome right? And its only a 12 questioned quiz!

Are YOU rare? do you have enough rares to beat Julian2? DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH RARES TO BEAT A NONMEMBER? UNTIL NOW! you want to answer does questions. then take MY quiz and find out!

Created by: Cadence
  1. When did you become rare?
  2. were you in the beta days?
  3. Do you want a spike collar? what color?
  4. Do you have a founder?
  5. Do you have a beta tail?
  6. Do you have a arctic coat?
  7. Have you been on "Epic Dens"?
  8. Do you have a full inventory?
  9. Do you have Lilacpetal, Kosho, Twinkle1022, Julian2, or more on your Buddylist?
  10. Do you have a Youtube channel? (I do! its Redfree and Rainbowdash aj!)

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Quiz topic: How Rare am I?