this quiz is based on how pure you are if you keep your legs closed or if you definatley need to keep your legs closed it's fun and funny to find out your results im not a slut are you??? so you shouldn't be to scared to take the quiz now are you???

I thought that making this test were both fun and funny to do i had alot of fun with it and i hope that you do the same thing. thanks to this great quiz in just seconds you shall find out how pure you are

Created by: venessa
  1. have you slept with more then 10 people?
  2. have you ever slept with a family member?
  3. have you ever slept with a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend?
  4. do you have any children?
  5. do you wear clothes that show alot of skin?
  6. would you ever be a stripper?
  7. do you enjoy having sex?
  8. if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend do you have a crush on someone else to?
  9. have you ever commited beastiality?
  10. have you ever had sex with a minor?

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Quiz topic: HOW PURITY am I??