how pretty and stylish are you?!

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this quiz can help you determine if you are beautiful, cute, ok looking, badish looking, or pretty bad looking in only a few questions. i hope it will be accurate.

thank you for choosing to take my quiz!!!!! i really hope you like it, and have fun taking it!!!!!! you will now figure out how pretty you are!!!!! thank you again!!!!!

Created by: soso123
  1. what is your go to outfit?
  2. what does your hair look like?
  3. what is your skin status?
  4. how confident are you?
  5. do you think you are pretty?
  6. what is your best feature?
  7. are you in a relationship?
  8. are you popular?
  9. do you keep on top of trends?
  10. what kind of music do you listen to?
  11. did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How pretty and stylish am I?!
