how popular are you?

there are many nerds some bullies lots of casual and little queens princess and kings and princes you are most likley in the casual spot almost up there just stuck in the middle do not worry it is ok

you are grand if you are up there many things come your way throness plance you are like so popular you are in line to be a boss lucky lucky yougrand just grand

Created by: begg18
  1. how manydo you friends have
  2. do you have long hair?
  3. what type of hair do you have
  4. do you enjoy school
  5. what do you do on saturday
  6. what do you do on saturday
  7. do you enjoy work
  8. do you like slang terms
  9. do you have manners
  10. did you like this quiz this dose effect your score ok

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Quiz topic: How popular am I?