How persnickety are you?

Ever met someone who is really persnicketty? Well, maybe they thought the same thing about you! Now you get a chance to understand what other people (like me) think of you and how persnicketty you are.

Don't be discouraged if you come out persnicketty, 'cause sometimes we all get into that mode. A clean house is a good house, but a single speck of dust is nothing compared to an extremely cluttered house. So, have fun taking my quiz!

Created by: Ehrin

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are sweeping the floor...
  2. ...and a mouse runs out in front of you. You...
  3. There's just the tiniest speck of dust on your desk. You...
  4. You are shopping for clothing for your friend, 'cause tomorrow's her birthday. You take...
  5. It's spring, and all your friends are talking about spring cleaning. As far as you're concerned, spring cleaning's...
  6. Your friend invites you over for coffee. You get to her house, and it's a mess! You...
  7. How much of your time do you spend on the computer as opposed to cleaning?
  8. Is your house cluttered right now?
  9. The in-laws are coming to stay, and the closet in the guest room is absolutely a mess. You...
  10. The rugs are getting a bit dirty. You...

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Quiz topic: How persnickety am I?